
Master of the historical novel, author of more than a hundred books, the historian Michel Peyramaure died at the age of 101, announced Saturday March 11 the Calmann-Lévy editions. “It is a tutelary figure of literature who is leaving us”writes the publishing house on Twitter:
“Master of the historical novel, author of a monumental work of more than a hundred novels. Very attached to his town of Brive, he had recently published “Inventory before closure” and received the Grand Prize from the Society of People of Letters for all of his work. »
With his friends from Corrèze Claude Michelet and Denis Tillinac, he founded, in the 1980s, the school of Brive, a movement that is part of the tradition of the popular novel of the 19th century.e century.
He was also at the origin, with others, of the Brive Book Fair, which has become an unmissable literary event.
Fictionalized biographies
This asserted provincial wrote, at a frantic pace, two to three works certain years. “I can’t help it, I just have to sit down and the words come to me. This is how we hold the thread of life”he said in 2021 at Pointmaking his own the maxim of Pliny the Elder “Nulla dies sine linea” (“no day without a single line”).
His novels are mostly historical (Christmas Orange, The Cathar Passion, The Prisoners of Cabrera, The Romance of the Crusades…), others are biographies of illustrious characters, often romanticized, in particular of Joan of Arc, Henri IV, Napoleon and Sarah Bernhardt.
Translated into fifteen languages, he has also authored children’s books and local guides.